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CrossFit Geelong join our Class Action

Melbourne Law Firm Advocate Me speaks with its client CrossFit Geelong about why they joined our National class action.

"Business closure will have impacted us for almost six months."

Fitness is an integral part of the community. On the surface it exists for physical wellbeing, but its benefits go way beyond this. People go for support and being part of the community, a collective, an outlet and opportunity to better their health in a safe and harmonious way.

For us in Geelong, Regional Victoria, come October 23rd when it's anticipated we can reopen, business closure will have impacted us for almost 6 months. If you are in Melbourne, it is even longer.

"Our industry is just one of many affected"

In our industry, these closures are causing massive destruction to the livelihoods of those who dedicate their work to their members' well-being. This work is often unquantifiable and generally overlooked by those who are not aware of the internal work in our industry, which deeply aids mental and physical well-being. It also goes against what we are trained to do in knowing how to keep people's overall health in check.

Being closed is isolating in ways many would not imagine. Not only are most business owners suffering financially, they are also affected emotionally and mentally by the stress of their life's work being taken away.

When you build something from nothing, that investment of faith, time and cost is immeasurable.

We go into business with a dream, passion, and belief that we have something to offer the world. We live and breathe it and it becomes intrinsically tied to our family, our livelihood, how we value ourselves and how we see ourselves as contributing to the world.

Our business is often financially dovetailed with our homes and we now face imminent financial and personal ruin and with this ongoing uncertainty, fear and stress take hold.

Most business owners go above and beyond. They contribute to the community, economy, employment, and our contributions give us a sense of purpose. Our industry is integral to our community and our capacity to be that is integral to us. Today it is our Chief Health Office who decides what is essential and we have lost our power, freedom, and income to their blanket decisions.

As a health worker, it is disturbing how real discussion on building natural immunity is missing from the narrative, so it is frustrating that by being forced to close, we cannot play our part and be that voice.

Censorship is rampant and dissent quickly silenced. Sadly in 2020 freedom of speech and real scientific discussion is absent, adding to the sense of isolation and injustice. Science has been reduced to ‘data’ and daily numbers, without nuance, learning from the data and adjusting the plan accordingly.

"We have lost our power, freedom, and income to their blanket decisions."

We joined this class action because we find in it some hope. Hope that collectively our voice will finally be heard. When we can step away from fear and into logic, reason and proper scientific inquiry and after judiciary review of the processes, reason and wise discernment will prevail and together we can return our rights and freedoms, together with our collective health; physical, mental and economical.

"Perhaps it is only when you have to fight for your civil liberties that you learn you never want to give them up again..." - Jack Mordes

We urge you to join us by visiting

Corrine & Chris Chalmers

CrossFit Geelong

Skinny Dippers Wholefoods Cafe

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1 Comment

Elaine Sum
Sep 23, 2020

Great to see at least one business firm getting on board to defend basic freedom and uphold the rule of law. Hope to see more.

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