"Asian NATO" to meet again, Australian businesses unite against discrimination, "one in six" health staff unvaccinated, and more in today's edition... Federal • Office of PM | QUAD Leaders' Meeting - Media Statement 14 September 2021 https://www.pm.gov.au/media/quad-leaders-meeting Related; https://archive.md/poEvh • Parliament of Australia | House Economics Committee to hear from academic experts on common ownership and capital concentration 14 September 2021 https://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/House_of_Representatives/About_the_House_News/Media_Releases/House_Economics_Committee_to_hear_from_academic_experts_on_common_ownership • Parliament of Australia | Intelligence and Security Committee annual report 14 September 2021 https://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/House_of_Representatives/About_the_House_News/Media_Releases/Intelligence_and_Security_Committee_annual_report
• Department of Health | Vaccine Operations Centre – Weekly Operational Update – 13 September 2021
• Department of Health | COVID-19 vaccination program rolls out to people 12 years and older – 14 September 2021
• Department of Health | Top 3 COVID-19 vaccine questions – COVID-19 and vitamin and mineral deficiencies, menstruation, and vaccines at pharmacies – 14 September 2021
• TGA | Access Consortium: Alignment with ICMRA consensus on immunobridging for authorising new COVID-19 vaccines 14 September 2021
• Federal Register of Legislation | recent bills introduced (** = since last update) **-Aged Care Amendment (Registered Nurses Ensuring Quality Care) Bill 2021 https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2021B00136 **-COAG Legislation Amendment Bill 2021 https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2021B00139 "A Bill for an Act to make amendments to deal with the cessation of the Council of Australian Governments and to make amendments relating to the National Cabinet, and for related purposes" -National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse Amendment Bill 2021
https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2021B00123 -Biosecurity Amendment (Enhanced Risk Management) Bill 2021
-Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Integrity of Elections) Bill 2021
-Aged Care and Other Legislation Amendment (Royal Commission Response No. 2) Bill 2021
-Foreign Intelligence Legislation Amendment Bill 2021
-National Health Amendment (COVID-19) Bill 2021
-International Human Rights and Corruption (Magnitsky Sanctions) Bill 2021
-Human Rights (Targeted Sanctions) Bill 2021 https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2021B00105 States
• NT | Infringements issued 14 September 2021 https://coronavirus.nt.gov.au/updates/items/2021-09-14-infringements-issued Wow, they managed to harass TWO people this time! Well done, NT police... • WA | COVID-19 Update 14 September 2021 https://ww2.health.wa.gov.au/Media-releases/2021/COVID-19-update-14-September-2021 • SA | COVID-19 update 342 14 September 2021 https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/conditions/infectious+diseases/covid-19/about+covid-19/latest+updates/covid-19+round+up+reports/covid-19+update+342 • QLD | Wall to Wall Ride for Remembrance to honour fallen police begins in Brisbane 14 September 2021 https://statements.qld.gov.au/statements/93219 A mobile mass-gathering with multiple stopping points.. sounds like a "potential Super-Spreader event" to me!! 😉 No disrespect intended to those among the fallen police officers who were decent people. But it seems quite contradictory when cops are currently ordering people off beaches and shutting down even the smallest of public events...I daresay they will not be following their own rules regarding sign-in & social distancing at each of these group stops, either. The media release implies that the only "COVID-safe" precautions taken will be to modify the ride's route, so as not to pass through the state border. Somehow I doubt you or I would be allowed to organise a similar event, whatever the occasion.. • NSW | COVID-19 Update 14 September 2021 https://vimeo.com/604460210/d09944b09b News/Media/Misc
• W.H.O. | Leaders Make Urgent Call To Accelerate Vaccination Globally And In Africa https://www.who.int/news/item/14-09-2021-leaders-make-urgent-call-to-accelerate-vaccination-globally-and-in-africa • ABC News | Malcolm Turnbull says Christian Porter's use of anonymous blind trust to pay legal fees an 'affront to transparency' https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-15/turnbull-says-christian-porter-blind-trust-outrageous/100462584 Both of these grubs are an affront to humanity, in this author's opinion. For more on the Christian Porter case see https://kangaroocourtofaustralia.com/?s=christian+porter. • ABC News | Queensland records no new locally acquired COVID-19 cases as vaccination rollout extended to welcome walk-ins https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-15/queensland-records-no-local-covid-19-cases-vaccination-walk-ins/100433654 • ABC News | People who actively seek fact-checked information often still share misinformation, study finds https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-15/fact-check-misinformation-study/100460466 You can't make this stuff up.. • ABC News | Victorian Ombudsman launches investigation into COVID border exemption process https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-15/victoria-ombudsman-investigation-border-closure/100462688 • ABC News | After a 'full f***ing month' and nine negative tests, isolated man would rather just get COVID / COVID isolation concerns as Western NSW town of Enngonia grapples with outbreak https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-15/covid-isolation-sparks-fears-in-enngonia-western-nsw/100462300 • ABC News | How COVID infiltrated your favourite TV shows (and why some are snubbing it entirely) / How your favourite TV shows are tackling the COVID pandemic https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-15/how-tv-shows-are-tackling-the-covid-pandemic/100453994 These headlines are "Controlled-op Clickbait" – as with the story above this one, these frontpage or 'preview' headlines are made deliberately subversive to ensnare readers who have a sense of truth... but then the article page itself just reinforces official/false narratives anyway (often using an alternate headline for the article page that is less subversive or entirely different to the 'clickbait' one!).
• ABC News | COVID-19 booster vaccines are part of the plan, but who to give them to and when isn't yet clear https://www.abc.net.au/news/health/2021-09-15/covid-19-vaccines-booster-when-and-who-needs-one/100460760 • ABC News | One in six NSW Health staff unvaccinated, documents to state Parliament reveal https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-15/one-in-six-nsw-health-staff-unvaccinated-documents-reveal/100461672 I'd wager the figure is higher than that. But even if not, can our health system, which we're constantly told to fear becoming "overrun", (this may, ironically, become a real fear, given that preliminary data – at least in Australia, Israel, and Singapore – is suggesting much higher rates of hospitalisation and death post-vaccination, than post-COVID), survive an almost 20% loss of working staff?
• 9 News | Is it COVID-19 or hayfever? What your springtime symptoms mean https://www.9news.com.au/national/coronavirus-symptoms-differences-between-covid19-hay-fever-explainer/da9d6a5b-5fbb-4b7a-b771-8a0c76452f94 • 9 News | US airlines' bid to lure Australian pilots adds to aviation worries https://www.9news.com.au/national/coronavirus-international-travel-australia-risking-pilot-shortage-us-airlines-aviation-relaunch/6aed7157-6d95-48fd-be8d-722e0ab75792 • 7 News | Ballarat in regional Victoria to go BACK into lockdown over COVID case outbreak https://7news.com.au/lifestyle/health-wellbeing/ballarat-to-go-back-into-lockdown-over-covid-case-outbreak-c-3969072 • Sky News | PM Boris Johnson will not rule out 'Plan B' of vaccine passports, masks over the winter months https://www.skynews.com.au/world-news/united-kingdom/pm-boris-johnson-will-not-rule-out-plan-b-of-vaccine-passports-masks-over-the-winter-months/news-story/2c57bc328138cd51f45379c78be30d6f • Sky News | 'What Really Happened in Wuhan': US allegedly ignored virus warning months before China admitted to COVID-19 https://www.skynews.com.au/world-news/china/what-really-happened-in-wuhan-us-allegedly-ignored-virus-warning-months-before-china-admitted-to-covid19/news-story/c2aed11972d53f70eb21e1566a6eebdd • News Corp | Australia’s Covid-19 vaccination rates: How many people have the jab in your LGA https://www.news.com.au/world/coronavirus/australia/australias-covid19-vaccination-rates-how-many-people-have-the-jab-in-your-lga/news-story/f25f328e6830d8fc337bed123b96a0ce Like every government stat that doesn't come fully vetted and transparently documented, treat these numbers with caution... • News Corp | "Surprise Reward" - Curfew to be lifted across 12 Sydney LGAs https://www.news.com.au/world/coronavirus/australia/nsw-victoria-covid-news-live-lockdown-restrictions-and-cases/news-story/a77eb340a775dd0516325f803bed0795 "The science" has never recommended imposing night time curfews even in an actual, hard-core pandemic situation. It's oppressive and insane. But there's your 'reward'... is that good enough for you, Sydney? • News Corp | ‘Not enforceable’: Call for tough Victoria Covid rule to be scrapped https://www.news.com.au/world/coronavirus/australia/not-enforceable-call-for-tough-victoria-covid-rule-to-be-scrapped/news-story/3b91d9eb672d0c1413db0014c844f879 Similarly to NSW, Victoria appears to be buying itself some more distraction time by casting off one of the many ludicrous restrictions they've built up as a shield, "throwing the people a bone" in order to keep their real weapons intact and deter the populace from digging too deep into the actual legality of things (or lack thereof). • The Echo (Northern Rivers NSW) | Democracy under strain as pandemic continues https://www.echo.net.au/2021/09/democracy-under-strain-as-pandemic-continues/ • Facebook | Inspirational community-operated directory of Aussie businesses vowing not to discriminate against customers, "jab or no jab", quickly gains massive traction on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/1213829215752696/ ~ Thanks for reading The Daily Dose, our editorial wrap-up of the most important breaking Federal, State, and miscellaneous news (mainstream and independent) concerning human rights in Australia. The sharing of an article herein does not necessarily imply agreement with its contents or originating source.
Yes right i agree as i feel much the same yet i see a magpie in the morning and think how free they are, and how silly they must think we are if they knew how mankind are treating each other.
This life is really hard to bear. It is not life: it is existence. The level of adherence to all the BS is beyond my brain, heart and soul to handle. We are not living life, we are fighting against death. The whole deal has been about fighting against death and not living with death as an inevitable consequence. All self-responsibility has been eliminated in favour of top down rules. Society is in a slow collapse.