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Our Collaborative Legal Actions

Under all Federal, State and Territories’ legislation; consideration must be given as to whether a public health risk is serious and significant enough to necessitate emergency declarations. In doing so, Governments must balance the competing need to protect the public interest, along with the fudamental need to protect human rights.

Negligent Misrepresentations about the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 & influenza vaccines, vaccine mandates, masking, RT-PCR tests, hotel detention & lockdowns

We would like to thank you all, for your continued interest and patience in persevering with us as you have watched us grow throughout this process, and survive the unlawful attack against us by the Victorian Legal Services Board.


Our original paid-up National Class Action participants have seen us through from the beginning.


​Since the unlawful attack in April 2021, against Advocate Me by the Victorian Legal Service Board (VLSB); and vicariously through the Victorian Government they report to; Advocate Me has had to re-strategise our focus and reach out to get legal support and direction from other law firms.


​As such, we are proud to provide our advocacy; administrative services and collaborative support, to Maatouks Law Group, specifically, the senior principal solicitor, Peter Maatouk; an honourable man and outstanding lawyer, whom is passionate about protecting your rights and freedoms.​


We have also reached out for the legal direction and advice from  other solicitors, including the firm of Clemens Haskin Legal, who are dealing with the Detention Towers Class Action that was filed earlier this year, and is still in play.


​We have had many of you reach out for our advocacy support; for this reason; we have developed a number of strategies to assist you, as set out on our Australians Say No web page


​Step 1: Details the supports available for both employees and sole traders, as well as employers, in taking a stand against the COVID-19 vaccination mandates. However; we have also provided numerous other templates in relation to other issues you may have been subject to, including those for masking, testing, QR coding and other vaccines including influenza. Those templates can be found here


​Step 2: Within our CoVision project; we have developed a team of skilled Advocates, to support you with employment and consumer complaints; we have also linked with lawyers and paid agents, who can assist you in your first line of defence against any potential termination and discrimination by employers, through filing Fair Work and Industrial Relations Claims. 


Please  visit to file your complaint.


​As part of this strategy; we have spearheaded our own precedential Fair Work claims in collaboration with Maatouks Law Group, to challenge those employers that wilfully go beyond the Government mandates, and we are challenging the very absence of laws that impede employers from mandating vaccinations. We have a hearing fixed for 20 December 2021,  representing our lead paramedic.  Please see our Fair Work strategy here.


​We also encourage you to join People for Safe Vaccines, who are backing and sponsoring some of these employment challenges, as well as helping people on the ground through education and campaigning.​


Step 3: The Strategies


​Our initial National Class Action paid-up participants, joined us for the purpose of exposing the legislative inconsistencies, but to also demonstrate from a scientific basis; the ineffective and unsafe nature of the COVID-19 vaccines. Also, the lack of utility for detaining people in hotels, the risk of masking healthy people, the fact that receiving influenza vaccinations does not reduce hospitalisations and/or absenteeism, as well as the various problems associated with RT-PCR tests, as the sole basis for clinical diagnosis on asymptomatic populations; and the resulting fraudulent reporting of COVID-19 cases underpinning the ongoing and relentless lockdowns.


​Due to the unlawful attacks from the Victorian Legal Services Board, we have had to recalibrate. Advocate Me has taken the lead to organise all of the administrative, research and advocacy capabilities required, for putting together a number of actions.


​Given what was occurring in NSW at the time; Advocate Me reached out to coordinate the NSW Class Action, and shortly afterwards, we met Maatouks Law Group and Peter Maatouk. We decided to collaborate with Peter to garner his legal advice and direction and transferred the NSW Class Action to his firm.


​With our full support; Maatouks Law Group are driving forward a number of critical legal claims, in relation to the inconsistencies in the application of state and territory public health and emergency legislation, which has been applied upon large groups of individuals, with the mandating of medical intervention.​


We are heartened; that over the past month, more experts and scientists are coming forward to work with us regarding these matters. We can’t rush this; we must stand steadfast and make sure that we strike readily, as the government narrative around us starts unravelling, and more evidence starts surfacing about the dangers of lockdowns, vaccinations, masking, testing and hotel detention.​


However, given the recent failure of the very public action in the Supreme court, to challenge Section 7 of the Public Health Act (‘PHA’) 2010 in NSW, and the limited scope of judicial review (primarily a result of the very high bar set by the Judge), in proving that the Minister went beyond his power, and the fact that very limited evidence can be debated under a judicial review action; it is necessary to look at avenues, where we can properly debate the evidence; specifically the theory that COVID-19 vaccines stop transmission.


​The Judges are unilaterally relying on the modelling data from the Doherty institute, and are shutting down all options to properly ventilate the evidence. We must therefore, examine all the appropriate avenues for a merits review under the laws.


Given the allowance made specifically under subsection 7(7) of the PHA 2021 NSW, we have worked as advocates to compile all of your concerns to Maatouks Law Group, and they have now spearheaded the first action representing the nurses in NSW at the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal. We are very proud of these efforts. This action will form the basis of all other actions Maatouks Law Group are about to file for all other sectors across the States and Territories.​


​This is the first action as part of a wider strategy, to be adopted across all states and territories, to deal specifically with Sectors that are impacted, as well as the unique laws that impact each respective state and territory.


On the advice of Maatouks Law Group; we are going to diversify our strategy and file the following actions:


  • In NSW; we are going to target specific sectors, being the Teachers/Educators, the Care Services sector and the Air Transport and Quarantine sectors. We are seeking a lead applicant in each of these three categories. We invite you to express your interest, again or for the first time, in being part of the group, or a lead representative in any of these actions, by clicking the following link and completing the State and Sector you are in.


  • In Victoria; the Public Health Act 2008 VIC, is far more flexible than NSW, and it is also specific in that a vaccination order must be affected through section 117 of the Public Health Act. Furthermore, there are no restrictions on bringing a tortious claim against the Government; as such, this means, that if there is negligence, or a breach of statutory duty in making these mandates, then both the individuals as decision makers in Government, as well as the Government itself, can be made liable. For this reason, we are considering a Federal court action in Victoria, to challenge inconsistencies within the legislation, as well as liability for tortious conduct. This will also provide us the opportunity to put our extensively compiled evidence before the Court. We invite you to express your interest, again or for the first time, in being part of the group, or a lead representative in any of these actions by clicking the following link and completing the State and Sector you are in.


  • In Western Australia; we will also be tackling the issues in relation to the Government’s failure to correctly apply the Public Health Act 2016 WA, such that; public health orders can only be made to an individual for the purpose of vaccination. Government cannot make generic public health orders on groups of individuals for the purposes of vaccination. We will also be seeking a lead for this purpose and we will be addressing key industries, such as FIFO, Health Care workers, Teachers, Mining and all other impacted industries. We invite you to express your interest, again or for the first time, in being part of the group, or a lead representative in any of these actions by clicking the following link and completing the State and Sector you are in.


  • We will also be tackling mandates and legislation in South Australia, Tasmania, Queensland and the Territories. We invite you to express your interest, again or for the first time, in being part of the group, or a lead representative in any of these actions by clicking the following link and completing the State and Sector you are in.


  • Ultimately; we will be looking at garnering the sufficient number of individuals whom have been vaccine injured, for the purpose of mounting a National Class action, targeting the very approval of the Covid-19 vaccines by Skerritt (TGA) and Hunt (Department of Health), as well as the complicity of the Vaccine companies themselves. This is a longer-term plan strategy and will require many vaccine-injured individuals to come forward. We invite you to express your interest, again or for the first time, in being part of the National Class Action by clicking the following link.


  • Our Children; Maatouks Law Group have also been successful in filing a High Court challenge in relation to the critical issue of mandatorily vaccinating children between 0-19 years of age. This is a critical case, as many parents are using the COVID-19 (and  other vaccination issues) in family disputes, and the Family Court of Australia is siding with the parent who wants to forcibly vaccinate the child. In many instances, particularly the very young; children are incapable of providing informed consent, and in consideration of the lack of data in the efficacy and safety of these vaccines in children; it is critical that this issue is tested in the High Court of Australia. Please see filing here:  More to come. Please indicate your interest in supporting this High Court challenge here.


Our strategy now, is  to diversify our challenges so that we can use all arguments in every single jurisdiction. The reality is; that every state and territory is acting unilaterally and inconsistently, both within its own legislative framework, as well as inconsistently with the Biosecurity Act at the Federal level.​


We have drawn on the support of many nurses and frontline workers, whom are speaking out and blowing the whistle in relation to their observations on the frontline during the pandemic. Many of them are approaching us to disclose their stories about unreported vaccine injuries on the ground. We are inviting all frontline workers with evidence, to reach out to to provide their witness statements. In addition to the expert evidence; having the frontline workers first hand testimonial evidence, is vital to provide additional support in the cases.


We will make available to all of you in due course; our strategy and filed documents, with a view of demonstrating to you, our intentions in tackling this issue from all angles.


Irrespective of whether you have expressed interest before to us or not, we would like to unify and clean up our database and for this reason we invite you to express your interest, again or for the first, in being part of the group, or a lead representative in any of these actions by clicking the following link and completing the State and Sector you are in. You will receive a comprehensive automated reply, and we will use this database moving forward for all updates.


​If you are already a paid-up participant of the original Advocate Me, National Class Action; Maatouks Law Group, will now be assisting you in recovering the amounts stolen by the VLSB and Hall & Wilcox. We will update you separately on that action.


​We have detailed the concerns of all of our clients to date, by writing to all Governments, States, Territories and Federal; which are available to view here, to demonstrate to you, how serious we are in advancing our actions, and that our actions are based on sound evidence. We have also comprehensively set out the processes involved in our class action, which can be found in the following link.

Copyright © 2021 Advocate Me. All rights Reserved. ABN 30 735 541 158

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