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National Class Action

Under both Federal and States and Territories’ legislation, consideration must be given to whether a public health risk is serious and significant enough to necessitate emergency declarations. In doing so, Governments must balance the competing need to protect the public interest, with the need to protect human rights.

Negligent Misrepresentations about the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 & influenza vaccines, masks, RT-PCR tests, hotel detention & lockdowns

A lot has happened since we first started calling the public to join our National Class Action.


When we first called out for everyone’s participation, we had solely focused on the misapplication of the public health and emergency laws in each State and Territory, as contrasted to the application of the Biosecurity Act 2015, at the Federal level, which we argue is stricter in application and sets up various human rights considerations and medical standards, before making decisions to detain, isolate, mask, test, contact trace, restrict behaviour and vaccinate individuals that are identified as risks. We did not agree that you can bypass these individual considerations and order groups of people without an individualised risk assessment.


Under both Federal and States and Territories’ legislation, consideration must be given to whether a public health risk is serious and significant enough to necessitate emergency declarations. In doing so, Governments must balance the competing need to protect the public interest, with the need to protect human rights


We have evidence that our Governments are not applying their own laws and are introducing draconian directives and legislation that override the Constitution, the Biosecurity Act 2015 and Human Rights legislative frameworks. As a result, healthy people are being treated as suspect COVID-19 cases.


After the attempted sabotage by the Victorian Legal Services Board against the National Class Action paid-up clients, we have had time to reflect on the best strategy forward. We have come to an uncomfortable realisation that our Court systems have been usurped by corrupt lawyers and judges.


We also realised that the strategy of going to Court and/or a Commission and/or a Tribunal is only one tool in our toolbox and we need to look at other options of creating change. At Advocate Me we are looking at community campaigns that will aim to provide solutions beyond the Court Rooms. Please watch our space.


Four things have arisen since we first discussed the action:


  1. The COVID-19 vaccination roll-out was instituted and we are beginning to garner information regarding serious adverse reactions, including deaths; and

  2. The COVID-19 vaccinations have been recommended by the National Cabinet to be mandated in the aged care sector; and

  3. Some States have now issued their own COVID-19 vaccination mandates, in QLD in the hospital sector and NSW in the airport transport sector, quarantine facilities and construction sector; in SA in the quarantine facilities and related health sectors; and

  4. Employers are making up their own vaccination policies and imposing them on their employees, irrespective of any Government mandates.


The same situation is also applying to the influenza vaccination, PPE and testing by employers against their employees.


There are serious implications for customers of businesses too, that are now being threatened with the potential of vaccination passports, that will create discrimination against unvaccinated individuals and potentially disable them from accessing services without a COVID-19 vaccination. We are currently observing the situation closely as it unfolds.


It is highly probable now that the SARS-CoV-2 viral sequence had man-made origins and that it had been designed with certain ‘gain of function’ specifications that are likely to trigger auto-immune and blood clotting responses, if reformulated and delivered to everyone, via new genetic technologies, through mandatory vaccinations.


If, as is becoming increasingly apparent; the true origins of the viral sequence are man-made, then there are significant public health risks in rolling out unsafe and ineffective vaccines that have not been properly tested, and have not been verified as not being used as part of any weaponisation agenda.


Unfortunately, a number of detrimental cases have been issued by the Fair Work Commission that appear to give licence for employers to mandate vaccination, masking and testing policies as they please, irrespective of Government mandates.


These are recent cases that have only been decided in June 2021. We have explored these cases in our Influenza Vaccination and COVID-19 Vaccination templates on our websites.


For this reason, the team at Advocate Me and our clients will seek the support of legal advisers, in considering the myriad of issues emanating from these complex matters.


Advocate Me has taken the lead, however, to organise all the administrative, research and advocacy capabilities required for putting together a National Class Action.


Serene Teffaha will also join the National Class Action as a group member as she is personally affected and may address the Court as a self-represented litigant on behalf of the group.


The Victorian Legal Services Board is trying to muzzle Serene for any involvement with the National Class Action. Clearly, they are extremely concerned about its legitimacy and potential affect. But they can’t stop her from advocating as a self-represented litigant with the permission of the Court.


The VLSB, as executive arm of Government, cannot interfere with judicial functions as they are attempting to do here. They can’t demand individuals not to advocate on their on behalf, or demand they stop their interactions with the Court where judges, tribunal members and commission members give the person permission to speak on behalf of the impacted client, who may not be able to afford the hefty fees of legal practitioners.


Serene has reformulated her National Class Action in a form that will not only expose the legislative inconsistencies, but also demonstrate from a scientific basis, the ineffective and unsafe nature of the COVID-19 vaccines, the lack of utility for detaining people in hotels, the risk of masking healthy people, the fact that receiving influenza vaccinations does not reduce hospitalisations and/or absenteeism, as well as the various problems associated with RT-PCR tests as the sole basis for clinical diagnosis on asymptomatic populations, and the resulting fraudulent reporting of COVID-19 cases underpinning the ongoing and relentless lockdowns.


If we are going to approach every mandate around these issues for every single State and Territory, the case presented in the Court would be diabolical and fraught with delay and inefficiency.


Furthermore, these will not address the issues that have resulted from employers and businesses setting their own requirements against employees and customers, that go beyond these Government mandates.


Therefore, it is not sufficient to address these issues through a National Class Action alone. Whilst we want to be ready to take on this national challenge, based on sufficient scientific expertise and backing, and the appropriate legal expertise, we are keenly aware that some Commissioners, not all, are expanding the powers of employers and businesses to push against employees and customers.


We have been approached by clients to challenge:


  1. Employers, representing employees who have been unfairly dismissed as a result of employers alleging that mandates for masking, testing and vaccination are lawful and reasonable directions; and                                                         

  2. Businesses, representing customers and visitors, have been denied access to a loved one within the residential aged care facility and/or other facility for not having the influenza vaccination, who have been unfairly treated and discriminated against for having the political view that informed consent trumps all business policies, and that the science does not support masking, asymptomatic testing, contact tracing and vaccinating and/or either that they have a medical exemption and have been denied access to the service.


Please note that Serene Teffaha can act as a paid agent with the permission of the Commissioners and Tribunal Members in these matters. Serene Teffaha does not need to be a certified legal practitioner to get permission to assist clients in these cases as well.


We have partnered with Human Rights Advocates at to help deliver on all the outcomes above.


We are so proud of the work Human Rights Advocates have accomplished and we have partnered with them to address the grievances against employers and businesses. We are hoping to locate a number of cases through this process, to escalate through the Fair Work Commission and/or other appropriate commission and/or tribunal, with a view to test the lawfulness and reasonableness of these policies.


This will assist us in selecting cases that we can also push to a full hearing before the Fair Work Commission and/or Federal Court of Australia. Please note that we always seek legal advice where necessary to advance these cases. We note, however, that Serene has always sought the permission of the judges in these matters, to represent the clients as a paid agent, or an Amicus Curiae or McKenzie Friend. The VLSB has no right to interfere in these kinds of relationships.


If you have a situation with a business or employer making threats against you, please read our free templates on the website and if you need support, complete either the employer form and/or consumer form, via Human Rights Advocates. They are very well-trained and have linked with us in relation to assisting you in reaching resolution, before escalation to the Fair Work Commission or other tribunal and/or commission.


We have also connected with an amazing team of lawyers who will assist you for a reasonable fixed fee, to prepare a Fair Work Commission challenge and represent you at conciliation and/or the Federal Court of Australia. These lawyers are also connecting with Human Rights Advocates too.


We are a collective sisterhood working hard to assist you at minimal costs.


If we see that a specific case will be suitable to advance through to a further challenge, on questions of legalities and reasonableness of masking, testing and influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations, then we will work closely with the employee and/or customer and/or visitor to do so and link them with a qualified legal practitioner where possible. 


In the meantime, we are also relaunching the National Class Action as a campaign, only requesting a pledge from individuals who are interested in moving forward and becoming group members of the Court action, and we are also seeking donations from those not directly impacted, but would like to help. This means that subject to getting further advice, at this stage, we are only asking for your expressions of interest.


We are targeting the following affected individuals for the various issues we are canvassing:


  1. Individuals impacted by the COVID-19 vaccination mandates and/or directives, including:

    1. mandates in Queensland for hospital related employees, workers and contractors,

    2. mandates in NSW on transport workers in airports, and

    3. mandates in NSW on construction workers, and

    4. mandates in SA on hotel quarantine and medi-hotels, and

    5. imminent impacts on aged care workers and nurses as a result of the announcement of the mandating of vaccines in aged care setting by the Commonwealth;

  2. Individuals impacted by mandatory influenza vaccination mandates and/or directions that disallow employees from accessing their jobs and/or visitors from accessing their loved ones;

  3. Individuals impacted by mandatory hotel detention;

  4. Individuals impacted by mandatory masking and/or PPE directives;

  5. Individuals impacted by compulsory RT-PCR testing;

  6. Individuals impacted by forcible and complete business, services and/or place of worship lockdowns;

  7. Individuals impacted by forcible separation from loved ones in residential aged care facilities and/or any other facilities.


We refuse to raise money through GoFundMe Me pages, as we want to ensure accountability and transparency to you on how those costs are spent.


In essence, we are requesting group members of the class action, to make a pledge and if you are not directly impacted but would like to assist, you can make a donation. These amounts will not be collected immediately. We will call upon you for the pledges and donations once these funds are needed and we can substantiate to you the costs incurred.


Please note that the pledges and donations will be used to support our larger National Class Action, as well as actions against employers and businesses, with the view of achieving important legal precedents for everyone.


Many other organisations and representatives are canvassing funds from individuals, without a proper pathway of accountability. At Advocate Me, we always put integrity and accountability first.


We don’t want to see multiple Class Actions and misdirected Fair Work Commission challenges advance, without the proper scientific supports and experts and without properly planned submissions and strategies.


However, whilst we can reach out to attempt unity, we can’t control what others do in replicating our platform and requesting funds from people directly.


We are pleased to back and collaborate with Maatouks Law Group, in bringing forward the critical claim, in relation to the inconsistencies in the application of state and territory public health and emergency legislation, applied upon large groups of individuals, mandating medical intervention. 


There is a lot be done in this space and the narrative is only just unfolding. We need to garner a solid panel of experts and scientists who will support us in moving these cases forward, with a view of linking them up to counsel, who can review the veracity of this expertise before anything is advanced in Court. So we ask you to exercise patience and perseverance. The narrative is just unfolding and we need to be strategic in our response.


We are heartened that over the past month, more experts and scientists are coming forward regarding these matters. We can’t rush this. We must stand steadfast and make sure that we strike as the narrative around us completely starts to unravel and more evidence starts surfacing about the dangers of lockdowns, vaccinations, masking, testing and hotel detention.


We have detailed the concerns of all of our clients to date, by writing to all Governments, States, Territories and Federal, which is available to view here, to show you how serious we are in advancing our actions, and that our actions are based on sound evidence. We have also comprehensively set out the processes involved in our class action in the following link.


Please complete the form to express your interest in being a Group Member of the National Class Action and/or in donating towards it. If you do not have any property and/or monies and are prepared to be a lead applicant in your relevant category, please tick the relevant box on the form.


A lead applicant is the person that is spearheading the action against the Government and they are prepared to discuss and put their story out to the front. This takes the pressure off presenting everyone’s story, yet enables the Court to understand the factual matrix being confronted by everyone.


Please note that the information provided on this page is to be considered strictly as legal information and is not intended to be legal advice. Advocate Me is canvassing an appropriate legal team to take charge of the litigation with the consent of all the clients.


Warm Regards

Serene Teffaha, the Advocate Me Team & the Human Rights Advocates Team

Copyright © 2021 Advocate Me. All rights Reserved. ABN 30 735 541 158

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