Forcing a medical procedure onto a person is morally and ethically wrong. In spite of what State and Territory Public Health Directives say, we are protected by Common Law, our Constitution, the Federal Biosecurity Act and several International Treaties relating to Human Rights.
Informed Consent and conscientious objection is our right as humans.
What is happening in Australia right now can only be described as a medical apartheid, where basic human rights are being removed on the basis of a person's vaccination status. This discriminatory treatment is deeply divisive and traumatic for many, especially those who are being coerced or forced to be vaccinated, by threats of job loss.
Forcing a medical intervention is unethical, immoral and we believe disproportionate to the threat. It is also seriously lacking in scientific merit, and has created a trail of disaster which has compromised our society, economy, public health, sovereignty and bodily autonomy.
There are many critical questions of law that we will be testing before the courts, but in the meantime; we find ourselves in a situation where we may lose our jobs and be denied many basic human rights, because employers and business owners are being made to believe they are required to be the enforcers of mandates.
If you are threatened by, or impacted by the loss or change of employment, because you have chosen not to be vaccinated, there are steps you can take.
Advocate Me, People for Safe Vaccines and Human Rights Advocates have been working tirelessly to educate and advocate for people, as well as challenge what we deem to be a disproportionate response by government, that has created significant trauma and turmoil.
We are delighted to announce our latest campaign, which brings industry groups together, to support a more unified and coordinated effort to lobby government to reverse its vaccine mandates. The new website aims to be a central reference point for workers impacted by threats against their employment. Here they can join specially formed industry groups, or become involved in creating new groups.
We encourage you to subscribe to this site, which will give you access to all our updates and more importantly, spread the word, for we must stand united today, or lose our freedoms forever.
United we stand, divided we fall! In Peace and Solidarity, Australians Say No!
Senator Jacquie Lambie Launches shocking attack against Unvaccinated Australians - why did she change into a VICIOUS VACCINE EXTREMIST NOW ?
How dare Senator Jacquie Lambie destroy our civil rights, medical rights, human rights and our rights to choose what is or is not put or injected into our bodies - the Government has policies to educate people that you need permission from a partner for kissing or sex etc., and by the way the Australian Government TV advertisement UNMUTE TO STOP BULLYING - WELL WE THE AUSTRALIAN PEOPLE ARE TELLING YOU THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT AND ALL YOUR TYRANTS TO CEASE AND DESIST ALL BULLYING/COERCION/FORCING/MANDATING AND END ALL MANDATES NOW ! yet here you are taking total control…
ABSOLUTE MUST READ and please post and send out this extremely important compendium of Covid revelations—EVERYWHERE!
Here’s How They Rolled Out The Covid Tyranny Nation By Nation So Quickly
Both OPERATION COVID-19 along and the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda were on the drawing board since at least 1913.
A HUGE piece of the foregoing gargantuan task was to bring on board each and every head of state who would roll out the Covid tyranny in their respective nations. As of today, Saturday, November 20th, all of those naked tyrants have exposed themselves to be nothing but bribed and blackmailed puppets of “Klaus Schwab’s School For Covid Dictators”.
Only by correctly comprehending the true… Covid Conference 21 Solution Summit (USA). There's a cost but day one can be joined as a guest for free, and there will be a recording of the event. Dr Peter McCullough is one of the speakers. FYI...
Sandy, I have submitted a form to join but am not sure if it's relevant for me or if I am already a member as I am a member of the the NCA or at least I think I am. I have asked for confirmation three times via P4SV, AdvocateMe and the new lawyer but no one has got back to me. I have paid $1,000 to be in the NCA so would like to know what the situation is.
How can sole traders take a stand against the mandatory jab?