If you’ve had enough of the Department of Education pushing masks, Covid vaccination and testing on our children then please join our MASSIVE group complaint.
HRAA will be serving the Department of Education (or similar) in your state and demand your child’s school stop carrying on about Covid related issues.
The deadline for parents to be a part of this and have your child’s school put on notice, is the 16th February 5pm Melbourne time. After this you won’t be able to join in as we will be taking action immediately.
We are aiming big with this! We would love to have 1000 parents band together to show the DOE's that we are serious about this rubbish being stopped!
Time to get out of the system friends. Get the children out of the antiquated institution. Home schooling rocks! Always has. Always will. Let the children be free, learn through play, rediscover their interests, and become passionate life long learners. Rachel Faith NSW Australia
Human rights for "Persons"; "Human rights recognise the inherent value of each person, regardless of background,"
Hue of man is not living man at all, Humans answer to 'Colour of law' being Statutes & Acts, as only legal Persons "act", giving life to the corporation which is not actual Law itself, rather, rules and regulations concerning 'Private law', for Corporations.
Human is legally defined in Blacks Law Dictionary as "Monster" or "Thing", see here; https://thelawdictionary.org/monster/
And Persons are legally defined in Blacks Law Dictionary as "Corporations", see here, 1 minute video; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vD8ISiJfgW4
Do you consider yourself an "Australian resident"? Res is Latin meaning "Thing", so it's probably unwise to define oneself as a "Thing" being "Chattel" belonging to a bankrup…
Julian Gillespie on the Federal court case through AVN. https://zeeemedia.com/interview/julian-gillespie-update-on-avn-judicial-review-to-stop-vaccines-in-australia/
Drop the mandates. Let the teachers go back to work. Unmask our children. Its making them sick. Throw those fraudulent inaccurate tests in the bin. Focus on the curriculum. Stop the indoctrination & woke culture & teach them the truth about our history & life. Let them have fun. Theres no joy in schools. Our kids have suffered enough. No segregation!!!