In 1997 Eckhart Tolle released his seminal classic book "The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment". This guide for day-to-day living stresses the importance of being present in the moment. Today it is considered a classic in its genre, because of its wisdom and motivational undertones.
In 2021, mid-roll-out of the fast-tracked covid-19 experimental "vaccines"; many people are concerned about how to manage declining them and are fearful of how their decision might impact their day-to-day living.
This has motivated the team at Advocate Me and People for Safe Vaccines to develop a Declining a Vaccine Template, to strongly but politely decline the offer to uptake a Covid 19 Vaccination.
Like Eckhart Tolle's masterpiece, our goal is to empower our members with the right knowledge and information, by giving yourself power to say NO.
Should you be confronted by any person or organisation which pressures you to have a Covid 19 Vaccination, the contents of this template will arm you with the right resources to say NO! For carers and/or residents in residential Aged Care facilities, parents and children, students, and workplace employees and volunteers, this template is especially valuable.
In the potent words of Eckhart Tolle: "Any action is often better than no action." A key message in all self-help books is to imagine how you want it to be, then take action to do it. Saying "no" is you taking real action for your health, and is more powerful and inspiring than you can begin to imagine.
It seems that Tolle, like the D Lama, d Pope, SadhGuru, etc has joined the dark side. For a 2022 event, participants must adduce a quackcine certificate!
Common Law has been replaced with Talmudic Law - Patrick Cullinane
Ch 61 on lawful rebellion
Common Law of England under Magna Carta when England was Catholic
“On June 15, 1215, in a meadow near London, England, known as Runnymede, a group of rebellious English barons forced King John to agree to a document that, eight hundred years later, remains one of the symbolic foundations of liberty, freedom from tyrannical rule, and the rule of law. Magna Carta (Latin for “Great Charter”) protected the barons against the king’s violation of many of their traditional rights as Englishmen, privileges that they believed King John was trampling upon capriciously.”
Jewish angle
Dangers of the New Age Movement
Return of Pagan Europe
It’s This Bad
Spring 2006
All the neo-pagan religions are simply politicised thought systems introduced by dubious internationalists philosophies largely opposed to traditional European cultures. As opposed the Paleo- Paganism.
“Spiritual, But Not Religious”: A Critique of the Modern Spirituality Movement
By Glenn A. Magee Department of Philosophy The C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University
Your power to say ''NO'' to police when they demand your name during i.e. lockdowns or attending a protest etc. i.e. precedents in our courts like the Kaba case and DPP v Hamiliton still stands. Now this UK case, Neale v DPP, further enforces the fact, that a person has a common law right to refuse to give name and address to police when they have not committed a crime and the police have no power or authority to detain a person or arrest them for not doing so, the person has no obligation. If the police were to continue making such arrests, they will be acting beyond their power. So we can say with absolute certainty, that all arrests…